Living Childfree

I never wanted to be a mother. I wanted adventure!
Living Childfree

Living Childfree

I never wanted to be a mother. I wanted adventure!

I am Elena

I am a Russian woman whose destiny was to breed and serve some man. I really didn’t want to but was forced by my society. So I ran as far away as I could.

Women’s Freedom

Women’s freedom, to me, is my freedom. When I see women anywhere in the world being robbed of their lives and the right to their body, I am mad. Because one day it can be me. It can be any of us. I encourage every woman I can reach to stand up for herself and live as it is right for her.

Just Free

I don’t call myself child-free, I call those who have children child-burdened.

I Sailed Away

Elena and Meg, Elena Vaytsel voyage

To get onto a sailboat and disappear was the only way I could live my life unmolested by my society. I come from Russia. In my country, pregnancy, child-raring and serving a man, for life, is a woman’s only destiny. You are a freak for even conceiving the alternative.

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