I never wanted to be a mother. I wanted adventure!
Living Childfree

My Escape

My story is huge. Here are the places online you can learn about it:

Having an example is huge

Have I not met Meg, I would be seriously screwed. Likely, I wouldn’t consider the existence I would have to be life. When I have no strength to stand up for myself, act somebody who I am not and am forced to do what I am told. Meg was my first example of a woman whose life wasn’t dictated by others. It was crucial for my liberation. This is how it worked:

  • I met Meg, online.
  • Secretly from those around me, I started communicating with her.
  • Through Meg, I discovered that I didn’t have to hurt myself, i.e. trash my life for others.
  • More communication with Meg, it sank further into me; those around me hurt me and that dating a man my mother forced upon me I am heading straight for disaster.
  • I secretly said “enough” and started planning my escape; from my home, form my country, from everything I had ever known.
  • Meg and I met. With Meg near, I grew yet stronger. Having been in control of my life for just a few weeks, I couldn’t, nor would I, relinquish that control.
  • My parents kidnapping me, attacking Meg and attempting to drag me back to Russia only made me fight for my life harder.

Though I am free today living as it is right for me, my freedom has a cost. As does any kind of freedom.

Freedom has it’s price.

Still, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I no longer can be living a life when I am betraying myself.

What I am up to today

My fight for freedom has never ended. It can’t. As long as we live among others, somebody will always try to usurp our life one way or another. So here Meg and I are, going on with our never-ending journey. Now, we are looking for home. You can see my updates on evaytsel.com and on my channel in Telegram @russian_on_the_run.