I never believed women genuinely want to have children. I believe what they want is to fit in. To be acknowledged and praised by society where woman’s only function and reason of being is breeding and getting married to a man.
The people from The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement nailed it. Below, are some of the reasons people give as to why they want to have children and the real reasons why they have them.
Want to give our parents grandchildren. | Still seeking parental approval. |
Want someone to care for me in my old age. | Fear of aging. Exploitative personality. |
Pregnancy and childbirth are life experiences. | Life choices limited by social indoctrination. |
A good family is essential to career advancement and strong standing in the community. | Social insecurity. Wants trophy children to improve social status. |
To carry on family name. | Trying to please Dad. Duped by bloodline superstition. |
Want to see a little me. | Self-absorption. Lack of ego gratification. |
God wants us to. | Mindless obedience to dogma peddlers who want larger flocks. |
My wife/husband wants a baby. | Giving in out of fear of losing partner. |
I’ve always wanted to have children, it’s what people do. | Unquestioned cultural conditioning. |
I love babies. | Short-sighted view of reality. |
Being a mother is a woman’s highest calling. | Beguiled into believing compliance is noble free choice. |
We’d like to try for a boy/girl this time. | Ego extension. Gender identity insecurity. Dissatisfaction with existing offspring. |
Our economy needs young workers to replace retired workers. | Willing to sacrifice offspring to gods of National Economy. |
I’d like to achieve a sense of immortality. | Fear of death and non-existence. |